My First Bear Maquette

I sculpted this clay maquette by hand, using a thin piece of wire, it took a day and a bit. I coated the maquette with PVA to harden and give him a sheen.

I work with air drying clay, and if you don’t skewer it with lengths of wire to act as a skeleton and seal it with something such as PVA it will crumble and crack. The safest thing to do is to make a structurally sound wire skeleton before you even think of claying. But I’m a glutton for punishment and went ahead and didn’t make a skeleton for this maquette as I am impatient and was rushing to meet a Kingston University deadline.

The proportions of the body is off, the head is too big for the body and it looks too much like a teddy bear. It’s not a bad start, I hope to get back to this project in the near future and really work hard to finish this hairy chapter.