Alison Nicholls' work strikes me as she uses colour in a powerfully atmospheric way, using translucent layers of paint and high levels of detail, her realistic African wildlife seem to go about their business blissfully unaware of the viewer.
Abby Diamond
Abby Diamond uses watercolour, ink and marker pen to create her beautiful birdies. Her technique involves using watercolour and ink which she then allows to dry before soaking the paper with a sponge and finishing with marker pens.
Dave White
I found Dave White’s work whilst looking for watercolour artists, and was immediately drawn to his goldfish paintings. The expressions on their little faces are so delightful! Along with the flicks and scrapes of paint which captures that natural majesty of the often overlooked goldfish.
Jon Shaw and Andrea Mueller
Jon Shaw is an artist who chooses wood for the base of his paintings, which he then applies ink and acrylic to create these writhing and expressive beings. Jon Shaw was suggested to me by another artist, Andrea Mueller, whose work explodes with bright, bold brush strokes and playful imagery.
Catherine Hennessey
Catherine Hennessey and her breathtaking work which consists of mediums such as her own blood! But most of her work is done in less controversial mediums such as watercolour, ink, pen and acrylic.